• Isolated safety barrier
  • Analog output DT-8826(two in, two out)
  • The analog output isolation safety gate will be from the safe area control system 4-20mA signal or other current signals, through isolation and linearization processing transmission to the danger zone, and drive the site of the valve positioner, electrica
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Analog output DT-8826(two in, two out)
  • Signal Isolators
  • 信号隔离器
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  • SPD
  • 电涌保护器
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  • DAIICHI Transducer
  • 电量变送器
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  • BT WDB
  • 3H0A0241
  • Content updated at......
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  • Clock server
  • 时钟服务器
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  • Terminal Block
  • 端子板
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  • Military high voltage power supply
  • 军用高压电源
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  • Isolated safety barrier
  • Signal Isolators
  • SPD
  • DAIICHI Transducer
  • BT WDB
  • Clock server
  • Terminal Block
  • Military high voltage power supply
  • Sichuan Dalton Technology Co., LTD
  • Founded in 2012, the company is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, manufacturing, sales and service of industrial produc...Learn More>>
  • 2012ๅนด
  • Established in
  • 300000+
  • Cumulative sales
  • 12+
  • Applications
  • 30+
  • Certification
  • Petrochemical Engineering
  • Petrochemical industry for short, refers to the field of chemical production with petroleum as raw material in the chemical industry, mainly including all kinds of fuel oil (gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, etc.) and lubricating oil, as well as liquefied petroleum gas, petroleum coke, paraffin, asphalt, etc., is an important part of the chemical industry, plays an important role in the development of the national economy, is one of the pillar industry sectors of China. Petrochemical enterprise production process is complex, chemical equipment tower kettle group, pressure pipeline crisscross, chemical equipment there are more flammable, explosive, toxic, harmful corrosive media. According to the characteristics of the petrochemical industry, Dalton provides users with a complete set of solutions such as clock synchronization server, isolated safety grid and surge protector.
  • Metallurgist
  • Metallurgical industry refers to iron ore in the metallurgical industry and steel, aluminum, bowl, pigeon, sharp, pour, tin, nickel, lead and other mines and steel mills, rolling mills and various non-ferrous metal smelting and processing. The process of metallurgical production not only has the hazards of high heat energy and high potential energy determined by metallurgical process, but also has the hazards of toxic and harmful, inflammable and explosive, high temperature and high pressure in chemical production. According to the characteristics of the metallurgical industry, Dalton provides the metallurgical industry users with a complete set of industrial automation instrument solutions.
  • War Industry
  • After decades of accumulation and investment, our military industry has basically had the technical foundation and material conditions of "inner circulation", and the next 10 to 15 years will be the harvest period and the boom period of weapons equipment construction. The military industry ushered in the golden age and dividend period, will really show its growth value. Dalton's independent research and development of military DC high-voltage power supply, with a number of independent intellectual property rights, products used in weapons, ships, airborne, ballistic, radar, locomotive, communications and scientific research and other fields
  • Medicine
  • The medical industry is closely related to human health, and the safety issue has attracted much attention. The pharmaceutical industry is divided into the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical business. The pharmaceutical industry includes the chemical pharmaceutical industry, Chinese patent medicine industry, Chinese medicine decoction piece industry, biopharmaceutical industry, medical equipment industry, pharmaceutical machinery industry, medical materials and medical supplies manufacturing industry. At present, Dalton mainly provides a full set of industrial automation instrument solutions for biopharmaceutical and Chinese patent medicine customers. In the future, we will have more products applied to the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Environment
  • Environmental protection industry refers to the general term of activities such as technological product development, resource utilization, information service and project contracting carried out in the national economic structure for the purpose of preventing and controlling environmental pollution, improving ecological environment and protecting natural resources. The upstream industry chain of the environmental protection industry is mainly steel, non-ferrous, electric power, chemical, electronic components and other industries. Environmental protection industry we are currently mainly serving the general contractors, integrators.
  • Electricity
  • Electricity is a very important source of energy in our daily life and the most promising source of energy in the future. The development of electric power to today, it has become the world's progress of the blood, supporting the operation of various industries. The electric power industry belongs to the state-owned monopoly industry, which can be divided into two major systems of power generation and power supply, and four major links of power generation, transmission, power supply and electricity consumption. Dalton provides a complete set of industrial automation instrumentation solutions for the electric power industry.
  • Intelligent Manufacture
  • Intelligent manufacturing is a general term for advanced manufacturing processes, systems and modes, which are based on the new generation of information technology and run through all aspects of manufacturing activities such as design, production, management and service, and have functions such as information depth self-perception, intelligent optimization self-decision making, precise control and self-execution. It is characterized by intelligent factory as the carrier, intelligent key manufacturing link as the core, end-to-end data flow as the basis, and network interconnection as the support, etc., which can effectively shorten the product development cycle, reduce operating costs, improve production efficiency, improve product quality, and reduce resource and energy consumption. Dalton's self-developed property rights products have been applied to intelligent manufacturing equipment, providing isolation, anti-interference, explosion-proof, functional safety and other solutions.
  • Building Materials
  • Building materials industry is an important material industry in China. Building materials products include building materials and products, non-metallic minerals and products, inorganic non-metallic new materials three categories, widely used in construction, military, environmental protection, high-tech industry and people's life and other fields. Building materials industry we mainly aimed at the cement industry launched the cement industry automation instrument full set of solutions.
  • New Materials
  • New material industry is an important basic, industrial and leading industry. China's new material industry is in a transition stage from the self-sufficiency of low-end products to the independent research and development of high-end products and import substitution. Domestic high-end new material technology and production are weak. Although the production capacity has been significantly improved in recent years, it fails to meet the demand for domestic high-end products. There is still a long way to go before China becomes a material power. Dalton according to the characteristics of the new materials industry, for the new materials industry users to provide a full set of industrial automation instrument solutions.
    • Petrochemical Engineering
    • Metallurgist
    • War Industry
    • Medicine
    • Environment
    • Electricity
    • Intelligent Manufacture
    • Building Materials
    • New Materials